
Professor Saliah-Hassane earned a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from McGill University in Montreal, a Bachelor and Master of Applied Science degree from École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada. He is currently teaching Informatics and Computer Networks and Security at TELUQ University in Montreal where he is carrying research on Intelligent Distributed Systems and Mobile Robotics. 

Dear Professor Hamadou Saliah-Hassane, thank you for these 25 years of loyalty and virtuosity

Awards & Distinctions

IEEE Education Society’s Certificate of Appreciation In recognition for your contributions to the IEEE Education Society as a Founding Member and Chair of the IEEE Education Society Standards Committee from 2010-2021”

Current Board and Executive Memberships

IEEE Education Society: Vice President Educational Activities (2023-2024)
CITEF : Member of the Board of the International Conference on French-speaking Engineering and Technical Training –
IAOE : Member of the Executive Committee of the The International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE) – http://onlineengineering.org/IAOE_leadership.php#exec

Areas of Specialization and Research

ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING: (Instrumentation, Measurement and Control, Automatics and Mobile Robotics and Computer-Assisted Design and Experimentation)
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: COMPUTER SCIENCE (Design, Development and Management of Distributed Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Networking)
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: EDUCATION (Remote Laboratories , Mobile Robotics and Mobile Laboratories)


09/1992 - 01/2000
McGill University

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)Electrical and Computer Engineering

05/1981 - 12/1983
École Polytechnique de Montréal

Maîtrise ès Science Appliquée – Génie électrique – Électrotechnique –  Automatique

Professional Experience

TELUQ University

Full Professor.  Science and Technology Department

2004 - 2006
TELUQ University

Chair of Research Committee. TELUQ University


since 1999
TELUQ University

Object-Oriented Programming with C ++ (INF 2005)
Object-Oriented Programming with Java (INF 2015)
Computer Networks (INF 1160)
Understanding Computer (INF 1130)
Wireless Systems and Mobile Computing (INF 1170)
Computer Network and Security (INF 1165)
Scientific work and information technology (SCI 1230)
Scientific research methodology (SCI 1013)
Network Security and Computer Systems (INF 6065)

École des mines de l’industrie et de la géologie (EMIG), Niamey, Niger

Electrical machines and power systems
Applied technologies.
Electronics and Computer Aided Design

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